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Documents and Templates

Documents and Templates Feature released

New Features in Zendit 2.0: Documents Management and Wind Turbine Project Templates


We’re thrilled to announce the release of two highly-requested features in Zendit 2.0, designed to streamline wind farm project management and improve operational efficiency.

Documents Management

Our new Documents Management feature allows users to store, retrieve, and view all your wind sites, documents, reports, and inspections anytime, anywhere. This ensures that all critical information is accessible when you need it, making your project workflow more efficient.

  • Centralized storage for all project-related documents

  • Easy retrieval and viewing of important reports and inspections

  • Accessible from anywhere, ensuring you have the information you need at your fingertips

Wind Turbine Project Templates

Our enhanced template creation tool offers specialized templates for wind turbine installations, crane operations, and transport logistics. This feature allows you to easily create, update, and set up projects specific to wind energy, ensuring consistency and efficiency in your project management.

  • Ready-to-use templates for wind turbine installations, crane operations, and transport logistics

  • Simplifies the setup and management of wind energy projects

  • Helps maintain consistency and compliance across all projects

These new features were developed based on valuable feedback from our customers and hard working people on the wind project sites and are part of our ongoing commitment to enhance your wind project experience.

To learn more about these new features and how they can benefit your projects, visit or contact us at

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1/14 Ashtan Place, Banyo Queensland, QLD, Australia


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1/14 Ashtan Place, Banyo Queensland, QLD, Australia


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